To B(log) or not to B(log)

DH tells me I ought to write. Sis insists the same - the fact that her opinion carries professional credence does make me take the request rather seriously. My son's VERY supportive too - as long as it doesn't interfere with his material expectations of being fed, changed, entertained and comforted at all times when he's awake. Thankfully, the parents don't yet know what a blog is, else they'd be all over me before I could go 'Compose'. Yeah, you probably know how that goes....
So, why do I go all 1-line-cliche Shakes(in)feare on you? Because, I am an intensely private person - that's why. I joined Orkut back when it was invitation-only, circa 2005 and then got swallowed. I amassed a huge(by my standards) friend list ... you know, the ex-neighbour's MIL's cat's fiance's godchild kind and was bombarded with more information than I could process. Considering that information (technology) is how I earned my bread (and husband), that's nothing to sniff at. Lately my actual friends had stopped communicating via orkut... I wondered why, since most of my buddies are products of Indian engineering colleges, a group not particularly famous for it's reticence ( ((coughcoughwink)) Chetan Bhagat) and everything including breakfast menu and pet's tummy bug was fair game for orkut publication. Dear Sis kindly enlightened me that the action was currently at FB. So, there I landed about a couple months ago. May I say, OMG!!!!! ?? This is like, so abso-freakingly super-awesome!! Dude, you guys must totally see how cool this place is!!! I can like farm , check my horoscope, calculate my IQ, you know, do sooo much of stuff , it's unbelievable! it's so cool!! what? it kills brain cells? no, dummy... brains don't have cells... they are made of some grey stuff.. whatchamacallit? cere- something or cele-something... yeah i think it's cellulose. so no, brain cells don't die.. duh!
I rest my case ;)

And they were all yellow..

I love this song - he does too. I could listen to this on a repeat loop for hours because it makes me smile and tear up at the same time.

Rafting is fun

Yes, it was love at first splash! I never thought I'd enjoy white water rafting , and apparently neither did the dh. The rafting trip was booked almost as an afterthought since we had precious little to do in the middle of the mountains amidst the swarming millions who descended there in an alarming array of kitschy presence. But of course , I should have known that the title of "most visited national park in the USA" does not come easy to an NP in the land of hummer-SUV-RV crazy townsfolk.
White water rafting engages your senses in a pretty strong way . It starts off with the gurgle of the shallow stream turning into a gush of a small river as the gates of the dam are raised to let the water flow , then you see it swirl in countless eddies and raise leafy ,weedy green gunk that flows downstream , then the damp, boggy and floral smells waft by you and as the guide assures you that the place is safer than the 20 mile stretch of interstate by which one travels to reach the river, you actually begin to hear the call of the water.
To say that we were armed to the teeth would be an understatement. There was the life jacket of course, then the helmet , the awesome aqua shoes ,and of course the paddles. We were the plastic vikings at sea!
As our fluffy raft drifted downstream ,the morning's faint drizzle gave way to a toasty sunshine. We were lazily paddling about and listening to our guide tell us about her life as an oregon teenager when we met 'cascada uno' - it was a small one and couldn't be felt beyond a tiny lurch and some splashing on the portside. Since dh was leading the pack on the left , he got the full benefit of the punch. And then it began.
Within moments , we were whirled,twirled,twisted,hurtled in a dizzying display of foamy spelndour. I could almost feel my heart drop through my body and meet my intestines. The water came in waves, thick and fast and we paddled furiously. Then within the flick of a wary eye, something strange happened.... the raft wobbled and lurched to the right. El Capitan was waterborne!
Fighting my rising panic (and nausea) i slid to the center to balance the raft and started calculating the odds of a person hitting the water both times on his two rafting trips. Naah , my ideas of assuming the damsel in distress stance to get rescued by my hero wasn't worth the neuron it emerged from... As we guided our vessel and hitched it to the overlying branches , i could see my knight in shining... ahem, soggy armour valiantly battling the breakers while other kind souls flung their paddles to drag him in. And so it was, that the dh became the first to demonstrate the invincible unsinkability of our sorry gear.

The tale of the vanishing newspapers

This is almost surreal. Somebody.... well , somebody living in this secure , swanky,overpriced apartment complex has been flicking my newspapers for a while. It has been pretty inconsistent. Sometimes its a Sunday (pisses me off the most), sometimes its mid-week , sometimes it's Thursday (when they have more supplementary sections than other weekdays).
By deductive reasoning I have come to the conclusion that this person is a stanch republican . Firstly, he/she stole my paper on the day AJC( Atlanta Journal Constitution- my newspaper) published a booklet on McCain after he secured the nomination. Secondly, today when I stepped out of my house at 7:53 AM and I did not see the paper , I banged my door a little bit too hard... when I went out again , at 7:58 AM ...there it was, the full Sunday newspaper , taken out of its packet and put back as much cleanly as a human hand can do... ;) and guess who was the subject of today's special booklet ? yes, it was BHO.
I seriously can't think of a person who could be cheap enough to flick an object worth 50 cents just because it is lying in an open area. Can you ?

taste of a sunday blog

greetings to earthlings!

this is my first blog on a typical lazy sunday. woke up to the may heat to check my mobile display to discover i wouldn't have to hurry thro the day as my boss wouldn't be expecting me to be in office by ten. not that it gives me some particular joy to be out of office. i luv my office. i luv my boss.i luv the way life is moving on.slow and steady.i like it the way i can get lost for hours with people screaming around me for attention. i luv it the way my clients grapple with my flow of thought and expression and most importantly my boss with my imagination.( she is a darling!)

my folks at home and office tell me i am more functional post sun down and that i lag behind during the day.again i agree its true.i get a kick out of procrastination.dont look at me like dat. its one of the few things i really njoy!

m a slave to my moods .one thing i dislike. punctuality is also a major problem wid me.temper my ultimate sin.sometimes i have a feeling i have travelled from anothr era into the present on a time machine and that i dont belong here. i am an endangered fish. a "mermaid" who lives in the water and is yet afraid to be close to water which'll transform her back to a mermaid which makes her unacceptable to the humans. i got lotts of human friends. like all of dem. i hav a human family too.its for them that i try to behave times.currently i am into the process of skin-thickening.while under this particualr treatment they also provide a service wherein i am allowed to dull my conscience!
till then folks......i will be back with more worldly insights for you soon.i shall not swim far away:)
all i need is the rhythm divine...

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